- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category General
Assigned To
outlyer - Operating System Android
- Severity High
- Priority Medium
- Reported Version 1.5 (rel. xx039)
- Due in Version 1.5.1 (rel. 1xx041)
Due Date
2591 days overdue - Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Network Type Indicator
Opened by outlyer - 15.08.2017
Last edited by outlyer - 15.08.2017
Opened by outlyer - 15.08.2017
Last edited by outlyer - 15.08.2017
FS#354 - Vectorial icons don't render properly in Lollipop nor Marshmallow
Reported by Sarah Thomasson 15/08/2017 on Google Play:
“The new ‘4’ is missing the triangle in the body of the glyph 4 -.-”
ID | Project | Summary | Priority | Severity | Assigned To | Progress | |
353 | Network Type Indicator | Medium | High | outlyer |
Closed by outlyer
15.08.2017 19:12
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing:
15.08.2017 19:12
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing:
Using pre-rendered PNGs for the time
being (only for the problematic
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The issue appears to affect Lollipop and Marshmallow, but not Nougat.
Problematic icons:
On Lollipop 5.0 (API 21):
4 "off" state
2, G, 3, 4, X "on" state
On Lollipop 5.1 (API 22) and Marshmallow 6.0 (API 23):
4 "off" state
4 "on" state
api22 Lollipop 5.1.png (51.2 KiB)
api23 Marshmallow 6.0.png (51.7 KiB)