197 | vcs | General | TO-DO | High | Move away from /dev/shm | Assigned | |
1.14 |
Task Description
/dev/shm isn’t really intended as an alternate temporary location, and VCS’ temporary files can easily grow too large for it too.
As a possible alternative offer a first-run choice of temp-dir (maybe suggesting /dev/shm ).
References: http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/RunDirectory#Why_put_.2BAC8-dev.2BAC8-shm_and_.2BAC8-tmp_under_.2BAC8-run.3F http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9745281/tmp-vs-dev-shm-for-temp-file-storage-on-linux
380 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | High | Re-stablish in Google Play | Assigned | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
Currently off Google Play due to failing to meet a deadline on policy changes.
Currently unable to re-stablish due to being away from my keys
196 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Medium | ffmpeg is deprecated | Assigned | |
1.14 |
Task Description
See http://libav.org/, Jan 27 2012. Also http://libav.org/index.html#fftools_rename for changes to the syntax.
Must change to avprobe /ffprobe and/or avconv .
271 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Medium | Add localisation support | Assigned | |
1.0 |
Task Description
No need for description
356 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Medium | Enhance RTL layout | Assigned | |
1.6 |
Task Description
Rendering on RTL devices is does not work properly due to alignment problems.
Attached: Screen grabs from the pre-release report on an Arabic device.
359 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Medium | Drop dark icons in Lollipop+ | Assigned | |
1.6 |
Task Description
Material design icons are supposed to be white according to comments found online and most apps.
(I can’t find an actual upstream reference) Found at http://www.androiddocs.com/design/style/iconography.html
Dark icons are displayed white in practice.
384 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Medium | Use magick command with ImageMagick 7 | Requires testing | |
1.14 |
Task Description
Originally reported by Pär: https://outlyer.net/2019-11-26:vcs-1-13-4-released/comment-page-1/#comment-60674
Recently got an update of ImageMagick:
$ magick --version
Version: ImageMagick 7.1.1-33 Q16-HDRI x86_64 22263 https://imagemagick.org
Copyright: (C) 1999 ImageMagick Studio LLC
License: https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenCL OpenMP(4.5)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype heic jbig jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png raqm raw rsvg tiff webp wmf x xml zip zlib zstd
Compiler: gcc (14.1)
Because of that, the "convert" command now gives a deprecation warning:
WARNING: The convert command is deprecated in IMv7, use "magick"
Trying to do that, replacing all the calls to 'convert' for 'magick', the temp images seem to be problematic (I've added a few printouts of the suspected code blocks):
[i] Capturing in range [04:49.49-19:17.95]. Total length: 20:25.35
[i] Generating capture #1/4 (04:49.49)...
magick: no images found for operation `-geometry' at CLI arg 7 @ error/operation.c/CLIOption/5479.
magick: magick -background 'transparent' -fill 'transparent' '/dev/shm/vcs.SGteWR/vcs-ZQ0dJj-cap-000001.png' \( -geometry 267x200! \) -flatten \( -box '#000000aa' -fill 'White' -stroke none -pointsize '9' -gravity 'SouthEast' -font '/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf' -strokewidth 3 -annotate +5+5 ' 04:49.49 ' \) -flatten -gravity None -flatten \( -background black +clone -shadow 50x2+4+4 -background none \) +swap -flatten -trim +repage -flatten '/dev/shm/vcs.SGteWR/vcs-zQhKDd.png'
If I try to cp those two temp images on the line below the 'magick' command, they become 0 byte files.
The video renderer ffmpeg has also gone through a couple of steps of upgrades over the years, I now have:
$ ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version n6.1.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 13.2.1 (GCC) 20230801
So commands like '-vframes' is now '-frames:v' and so on. No errors, just friendly suggestions in the man page. I replaced those also, but still the same problem.
I should have listened more carefully when our kindergarten teacher went through Bash. ;) IOW, I'm sure it's something simple I am not understanding.
N.b. I can still use vcs with the normal 'convert' command, but depending on how "militia force" serious the ImageMagick gang is going to be about deprecation warnings and removal of old code, it might stop working at some point in the future and I think that would be sad.
Any ideas? Thanks! :)
151 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Low | Override-able variables cleanup: Removal of deprecated ... | Assigned | |
1.14 |
Task Description
Introduce new names in 1.12 ( FS#120 )
Remove old names in 1.13 or 1.14 (this)
190 | mp3plot | Core/General | TO-DO | Low | Drop "spinner" | Completed | |
0.6.1 |
Task Description
The spinner, used to show progress adds a lot of overkill just to give some feedback while working
191 | mp3plot | Core/General | TO-DO | Low | Release 0.6.1 | New | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing mp3plot 0.6.1
Next: FS#192
192 | mp3plot | Core/General | TO-DO | Low | Release 0.7.0 | New | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing mp3plot 0.7
Previous: FS#191
Next: FS#193
193 | mp3plot | Core/General | TO-DO | Low | Release 1.0 | New | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing mp3plot 1.0
Previous: FS#192
216 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Low | Release 1.0 | Assigned | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing QFS 0.12
227 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Low | Failed blank frame evasion should go back to original t... | Assigned | |
1.14 |
Task Description
When a frame evasion is tried and given up, the chosen timestamp should be the original instead of the last attempt
244 | Network Type Indicator | | TO-DO | Low | Allow disabling the display of connection status on ico... | Assigned | |
1.6 |
Task Description
To mimic the original way of working
245 | Network Type Indicator | | TO-DO | Low | Allow choosing between "offline" and "online" icons whe... | Assigned | |
1.6 |
Task Description
Once the user has chosen to use only a set of icons, allow them to choose which of the two.
246 | Network Type Indicator | | TO-DO | Low | Add support for expanded notifications with extra infor... | Assigned | |
1.6 |
Task Description
No need for description
249 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Low | Add libav as possible capturer | Assigned | |
1.14 |
Task Description
No need for description
269 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Low | Allow sharing multiple files | Requires testing | |
0.15 |
Task Description
Possibly using a dynamic ZIP file
See http://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/zip/ZipOutputStream.html
272 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Low | Release 0.15 | Assigned | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
First version allowing multiple file sharing. Possibly release early and keep as alpha or beta to test further.
273 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Low | Allow sharing files of unknown size | Requires testing | |
0.15 |
Task Description
This is necessary for ZIP files constructed on the fly.
The current webserver implementation doesn’t support that.
274 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Low | Implement chunked transfer encoding in web server | Requires testing | |
0.15 |
Task Description
The chunked transfer encoding is necessary to serve files of unknown size (created dynamically)
275 | Quick File Share | | TO-DO | Low | Update progress bar to support files of unknown size | Assigned | |
1.0 |
Task Description
The progress bar should reflect when the size of the shared file is unknown.
329 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Low | Release 1.6 | Assigned | |
Meta: Release Cycle |
Task Description
This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing nettype 1.6
Previous: FS#361 (1.5.2), FS#353 (1.5.1), FS#215 (1.5), FS#252 (1.4), FS#203 (1.3)
355 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Low | Re-do problematic vectorial icons | Researching | |
1.6 |
Task Description
This is a continuation of FS#354 .
Temporarily using pre-rendered PNGs in 1.5.1, should try to re-design icons to render properly on Android 5.0 and up.
358 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Low | Revamp notification | Assigned | |
1.6 | |
360 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Low | Remove black icons | Assigned | |
1.6 | |
374 | relevation | General | TO-DO | Low | Release 1.4 | Assigned | |
Meta: Release Cycle | |
379 | relevation | General | TO-DO | Low | Switch default mode to AND | Assigned | |
1.4 | |
153 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Release 1.14 | Limbo | |
Meta: Release Cycle | |
162 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Implement plugins | Assigned | |
2.0 | |
163 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Move rarely used features to plugins | Assigned | |
? | |
172 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Don't autoload './vcs.conf' | Assigned | |
1.14 | |
200 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Release 2.0 | Assigned | |
Meta: Release Cycle | |
334 | Network Type Indicator | Build System | TO-DO | Very Low | Use Gradle to define build-type-dependant fields | Assigned | |
1.6 | |
350 | Network Type Indicator | Internal | TO-DO | Very Low | Remove Devel.DEBUG | Assigned | |
1.6 | |
372 | Network Type Indicator | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Drop support for older versions of Android | Assigned | |
1.6 | |
375 | vcs | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Allow disabling blank frame evasion | Assigned | |
1.14 | |
376 | relevation | General | TO-DO | Very Low | Add command-line argument to generate configuration | Assigned | |
1.4 | |
178 | vcs | General | Submitted Patch | Low | ffmpeg + piped mplayer dump can be used to identify | Requires testing | |
1.14 | |
147 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Medium | Configuration options revamp | Assigned | |
1.14 | |
194 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Medium | Files incorrectly reporting "too short" length aren't d... | Researching | |
? | |
41 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Low | Adjust timestamps size to capture size | Requires testing | |
| |
56 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Low | Add transcode as possible capturer | Deferred | |
1.14 | |
115 | mp3plot | Image output | Feature Request | Low | Allow user-specified output image size | New | |
0.7.0 | |
117 | mp3plot | Core/General | Feature Request | Low | Handle free-form bitrate | New | |
1.0 | |
118 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Low | Create manpage | Deferred | |
| |
124 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Low | Better looking timestamps | Assigned | |
| |
201 | Network Type Indicator | | Feature Request | Low | Support multi-SIM devices | Assigned | |
? | |
315 | vcs | General | Feature Request | Low | Recurse directories, output to current dir | Assigned | |
? | |