All Projects

ID Project Category Task Type Severity Summary  desc Status Progress Due In Version
32vcsGeneralBug ReportHighvcs gets stuck on first capture (or during probe)Researching
Task Description

Fails on some files (gets stuck forever while capturing the first frame).

Happens often with Matroska. 1.0.7a introduced a workaround (-Wo) with ffmpeg’s argument order that worked with other file types.

384vcsGeneralTO-DOMediumUse magick command with ImageMagick 7Requires testing
1.14 Task Description

Originally reported by Pär:

Recently got an update of ImageMagick:
$ magick --version
Version: ImageMagick 7.1.1-33 Q16-HDRI x86_64 22263
Copyright: (C) 1999 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenCL OpenMP(4.5) 
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype heic jbig jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png raqm raw rsvg tiff webp wmf x xml zip zlib zstd
Compiler: gcc (14.1)
Because of that, the "convert" command now gives a deprecation warning:
WARNING: The convert command is deprecated in IMv7, use "magick"
Trying to do that, replacing all the calls to 'convert' for 'magick', the temp images seem to be problematic (I've added a few printouts of the suspected code blocks):
[i] Capturing in range [04:49.49-19:17.95]. Total length: 20:25.35
[i] Generating capture #1/4 (04:49.49)...
magick: no images found for operation `-geometry' at CLI arg 7 @ error/operation.c/CLIOption/5479.
magick: magick -background 'transparent' -fill 'transparent' '/dev/shm/vcs.SGteWR/vcs-ZQ0dJj-cap-000001.png'   \( -geometry 267x200! \)  -flatten   \( -box '#000000aa' -fill 'White' -stroke none -pointsize '9'     -gravity 'SouthEast' -font '/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf' -strokewidth 3 -annotate +5+5     ' 04:49.49 ' \) -flatten -gravity None  -flatten  \( -background black +clone -shadow 50x2+4+4 -background none \) +swap -flatten -trim +repage  -flatten  '/dev/shm/vcs.SGteWR/vcs-zQhKDd.png'
If I try to cp those two temp images on the line below the 'magick' command, they become 0 byte files.
The video renderer ffmpeg has also gone through a couple of steps of upgrades over the years, I now have:
$ ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version n6.1.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 13.2.1 (GCC) 20230801
So commands like '-vframes' is now '-frames:v' and so on. No errors, just friendly suggestions in the man page. I replaced those also, but still the same problem.
I should have listened more carefully when our kindergarten teacher went through Bash. ;) IOW, I'm sure it's something simple I am not understanding.
N.b. I can still use vcs with the normal 'convert' command, but depending on how "militia force" serious the ImageMagick gang is going to be about deprecation warnings and removal of old code, it might stop working at some point in the future and I think that would be sad.
Any ideas? Thanks! :)
334Network Type IndicatorBuild SystemTO-DOVery LowUse Gradle to define build-type-dependant fieldsAssigned
1.6 Task Description

Gradle allows to define fields on the generated class BuildConfig. This should be enough to discard the current per-build-type classes.


275Quick File ShareTO-DOLowUpdate progress bar to support files of unknown sizeAssigned
1.0 Task Description

The progress bar should reflect when the size of the shared file is unknown.

379relevationGeneralTO-DOLowSwitch default mode to ANDAssigned
1.4 Task Description

It just makes more sense

92vcsGeneralFeature RequestVery LowSupport OpenSolaris/SunOSLimbo
2.0 Task Description

Being based on System V, it’s quite different to most other Unix-like OSes, might be a good target for x-platform enhancements

201Network Type IndicatorFeature RequestLowSupport multi-SIM devicesAssigned
? Task Description

Suggested by “AB”

Allow choosing what SIM slot to check in dual-SIM devices.

341Network Type IndicatorGeneralBug ReportLowStatus bar icon disappears after a while on Huawei phon...Requires testing
? Task Description

Reported by Vendetta 18/09/2016 on Google Play

Dejó de funcionar Desde la actualización d mi Huawei P8 lite a android 6 ya no sale el tipo d conexión en la barra d notificaciones.

P8 lite / Marshmallow / r14034

Reported by Oncewarriors 9/08/2017 through email

[...]the bar icon is vanishing after a while

95vcsGeneralBug ReportLowRunning vcs from find fails on WMVs. They work directly...Unconfirmed
Task Description

Originally reported by Tomasz Strózik

Example given:

$ find $DIR \(-name "*.avi" -o -name "*.wmv" -o -name "*.mpg" -o -name "*.mp4" \) -exec vcs -dt -ds -n 12 -c2 -H 200 --jpeg --quiet {} \;

Works on avi, mpg and mp4 but fails on wmv with
Failed to capture frame (at second xxx.000)

Processing the same file directly works:

$ vcs -dt -ds -n 12 -c2 -H 200 --jpeg --quiet File.wmv
133mp3plotCore/GeneralBug ReportMediumrpmbuild refuses package revisionCompleted
0.6.1 Task Description

Due to the use of ~ in the revision tag

134mp3plotCore/GeneralBug ReportMediumrpm specfile uses fingerCompleted
0.6.1 Task Description

finger is not installed/enabled by default in at least FC12. Replace it with something better like grepping /etc/passwd

358Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLowRevamp notificationAssigned
1.6 Task Description

Take advantage of Nougat style notifications to display more information to the user.


Possible design elements:

  1. “App icon”: Network type? AFAICT setting it to the actual app will replace the status bar icon.
  2. Header text: Provider
  3. Timestamp: Time of the last update
  4. Large icon: Network type, bigger?
350Network Type IndicatorInternalTO-DOVery LowRemove Devel.DEBUGAssigned
1.6 Task Description

In the past BuildConfig.DEBUG wasn’t reliable (when combining Eclipse and ADT), but on Android Studio with Gradle it can be used safely and hence there’s no need to duplicate the functionality.

360Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLowRemove black iconsAssigned
1.6 Task Description

Since the introduction of Material, icons should be white. The black icons only display as such in a subset on devices.

200vcsGeneralTO-DOVery LowRelease 2.0Assigned
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing vcs 2.0.

v2.0 will be a rewrite in Python.

Previous: FS#153

329Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLowRelease 1.6Assigned
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing nettype 1.6

Previous:  FS#361  (1.5.2),  FS#353  (1.5.1),  FS#215  (1.5),  FS#252  (1.4),  FS#203  (1.3)

374relevationGeneralTO-DOLowRelease 1.4Assigned
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

Meta-task depending on tasks scheduled for the 1.4 release.

Previous release:  FS#234  (1.3.1)

153vcsGeneralTO-DOVery LowRelease 1.14Limbo
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing vcs 1.14

Previous:  FS#152   FS#218   FS#224   FS#250   FS#366 

216Quick File ShareTO-DOLowRelease 1.0Assigned
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing QFS 0.12

193mp3plotCore/GeneralTO-DOLowRelease 1.0New
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing mp3plot 1.0

Previous: FS#192

192mp3plotCore/GeneralTO-DOLowRelease 0.7.0New
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing mp3plot 0.7

Previous: FS#191
Next: FS#193

191mp3plotCore/GeneralTO-DOLowRelease 0.6.1New
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing mp3plot 0.6.1

Next: FS#192

272Quick File ShareTO-DOLowRelease 0.15Assigned
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

First version allowing multiple file sharing.
Possibly release early and keep as alpha or beta to test further.

315vcsGeneralFeature RequestLowRecurse directories, output to current dirAssigned
? Task Description

Request by Chris Hills

Thanks Toni. I was hoping I could simply run `$ vcs-1.13.2.bash -? **/*.mp4` to create contact sheets for all videos in all subfolders, but it sounds like I’ll have to use a wrapper script. Would you consider adding this in a future release for a donation?

My reply:

I guess you’re using zsh-ish globbing there.
That’s not something I use so I didn’t even think of the case where recursing could be so simple.
It was a bit of an overlook on my part not to have the option to output to the same directory as the video, probably because recursion always required a wrapper in my head.
342Network Type IndicatorGeneralFeature RequestLowRecord historyResearching
? Task Description

Requested by Arnellord Bondoc 19/12/2015 on Google Play

Accurate readings, free, ads-free what more can I ask for! Hope you don’t mind, I modified it and replaced the status bar icons :) Kindly add history of network type used like what my other apps that I am using (2g, 3g ,4g, lte network monitor by Sun Light) for me to get rid of it because of it’s unlimited ads and slow loading. Thank you very much!

380Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOHighRe-stablish in Google PlayAssigned
Meta: Release Cycle
355Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLowRe-do problematic vectorial iconsResearching
151vcsGeneralTO-DOLowOverride-able variables cleanup: Removal of deprecated ...Assigned
116mp3plotImage outputBug ReportLowOptionally display generated imageNew
369Network Type IndicatorGeneralBug ReportMediumNotification doesn't load on bootAssigned
163vcsGeneralTO-DOVery LowMove rarely used features to pluginsAssigned
197vcsGeneralTO-DOHighMove away from /dev/shmAssigned
54vcsGeneralBug ReportLowminutes printed as hours with mplayerUnconfirmed
5vcsGeneralBug ReportMediumMeta-information gets overlapped with small contact she...Assigned
382vcsGeneralBug ReportMediumLook into detecting or setting manually GNU getoptAssigned
387vcsGeneralBug ReportLowInsufficient permissions when writing to SMB shares on ...Assigned
223Network Type IndicatorFeature RequestVery LowIndicate roaming in status barAssigned
139mp3plotCore/GeneralBug ReportMediumInconsistent results across archesResearching
313Network Type IndicatorBug ReportLowIncompatibility with Samsung Tab A (LTE version)Unconfirmed
162vcsGeneralTO-DOVery LowImplement pluginsAssigned
164vcsGeneralBug ReportVery LowImplement instrumentationAssigned
274Quick File ShareTO-DOLowImplement chunked transfer encoding in web serverRequires testing
69vcsGeneralFeature RequestVery LowImage modeLimbo
255Network Type IndicatorBug ReportHighIcon doesn't get updated with network changesAssigned
101vcsGeneralBug ReportLowHeading bleeds into left side of contact sheet when tit...Deferred
137vcsGeneralBug ReportMediumHang with RM filesUnconfirmed
385vcsGeneralBug ReportHighHandle rotation of video files rotated via metadataResearching
117mp3plotCore/GeneralFeature RequestLowHandle free-form bitrateNew
93vcsGeneralBug ReportVery Lowgrep -o is not portableAssigned
194vcsGeneralFeature RequestMediumFiles incorrectly reporting "too short" length aren't d...Researching
Showing tasks 1 - 50 of 98 Page 1 of 2

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