All Projects

ID Project Category Task Type  asc Severity Summary Status Progress Due In Version
 344 Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLow Add information about donations Closed
1.5 (rel. xx039) Task Description

Should be very careful to stay within Google’s AUP though

 345 Network Type IndicatorInternalTO-DOLow Unify events Closed
1.5 (rel. xx039) Task Description

Events are handled in different groups, it makes sense to handle them in as few listeners as possible (where they can be logically grouped)

 348 Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLow Run MonitorService as a foreground service Closed
1.5 (rel. xx039) Task Description

This should prevent task killers from reaping it as easily

 349 Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOMedium Remove requirement of permission READ_PHONE_STATE Closed
1.5 (rel. xx039) Task Description

Starting with Marshmallow (API level 23, Android 6.0) READ_PHONE_STATE is considered a dangerous permission (and as a result it can be revoked by the user at any time) but at the same time it is no longer required to check connection status.

Should restrict it to old API levels (NOTE the API documentation don’t mention this requirement anymore, but old devices DO require it).

 351 Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOLow Provide back navigation Closed
1.5 (rel. xx039) Task Description

The manifest file can be modified to provide a back button (usually an arrow on the top left) when an activity is launched.

Use it for the settings and donations activities.

 352 Network Type IndicatorBuild SystemTO-DOLow Move reusable UI code into a separate module Closed
1.5 (rel. xx039) Task Description

AboutDialog, DonationsActivity and TogglePreference can be moved into a separate module since they can be used (or are already being used) verbatim by my other apps.

 353 Network Type IndicatorGeneralTO-DOHigh Release 1.5.1 Closed
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs/features required to complete before releasing nettype 1.5.1.

1.5.1 is a hotfix release for issues found during the staged release of 1.5.

Previous:  FS#215  (1.5),  FS#252  (1.4),  FS#203  (1.3)
Next: FS#329 (1.6)

 366 vcsGeneralTO-DOLow Release 1.13.4 Closed
Meta: Release Cycle Task Description

This is a meta-item depending on bugs to be fixed in the 1.13.4 release.

1.13.4 is a minor bugfix release for bugs found while development for 1.14 and 2.0 is stalled.

Previous:  FS#152   FS#218   FS#224   FS#250 
Next: FS#153

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