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  • Operating System Other
  • Severity Low
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  • Reported Version 1.13.4
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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Attached to Project: vcs
Opened by outlyer - 02.09.2024

FS#387 - Insufficient permissions when writing to SMB shares on MacOS

Reported by Phate https://

I have vcs installed via brew on MacOS Sonoma. This may not be something you can test, but maybe you can offer suggestions as to what might be the issue:
When I use vcs on local volumes, everything works as expected as far as the output image file permissions go. However, if I attempt to output a vcs contact sheet to a smb server volume, the file has no read or write permissions for user, group or other. Normal terminal commands like touch, mkdir, etc create files with proper permissions from the same terminal shell.


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