
  • Status Researching
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category General
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  • Operating System All/Any
  • Severity High
  • Priority Medium
  • Reported Version 1.13.4
  • Due in Version 1.14
  • Due Date Undecided
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Attached to Project: vcs
Opened by outlyer - 23.06.2024
Last edited by outlyer - 25.06.2024

FS#385 - Handle rotation of video files rotated via metadata

Originally reported by Pär:

Another thing that is a little bit annoying, but isn't a very big deal, is the fact that videos made from a phone where the image is rotated in metadata, doesn't produce a correct aspect ratio. For example, a video that is stored as 1920×1080 (16:9), but shown as 1080×1920 (9:16), due to metadata rotation, vcs will create thumbnails in 1920×1080 aspect ratio (16:9) but show them rotated correctly, which means the image at 9:16 gets squashed to fit into 16:9. Like I said, not a very huge deal, but it looks somewhat silly and it would be great if it was possible to fix.
I've tried to see if I could set the aspect parameter but it doesn't seem to do much when the rotation is made in metadata. Metadata usually state something like:
> "`bash
Side data:
displaymatrix: rotation of -90.00 degrees
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ID Project Summary Priority Severity Assigned To Progress
153 vcs FS#153 - Release 1.14 Defer Very Low outlyer


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